Harry Wagner
Like so many of our Knowledge Partners, Harry Wagner and his wife, Pat, started watching Knowledge Network because the programming reflected their interests much more than any commercial station did.
“Pat and I travelled a lot, and we saw the good and bad in this world of ours. So when it came to TV, we found ourselves watching Knowledge more and more. The documentaries in some cases took us back to countries and places, even events, we had experienced... memories of times gone by,” says Harry. “Not to forget the concerts and Storyville, all interesting and entertaining. And to top it all off, no commercials!”
The British dramas and detective series were another big favourite - not surprising, seeing as the couple belonged to the Sherlock Holmes Society of London. In fact, years ago Harry revived the local Sherlock Holmes Society of BC, which is still active today.
The Wagners had been donating to Knowledge for a number of years, and when they started to think about updating their wills, they knew they wanted to include Knowledge. But it was one of those things they kept putting off.
About three years ago Pat passed away. After some time, Harry realized that she would have wanted him to complete their goal: to support Knowledge Network. He rewrote his will, leaving a part of their estate to Knowledge.
“Pat and I wanted to support Knowledge because we like the programming, and because of what it does,” Harry explains. “Helping the younger generation to be educated and enlightened as to what’s going on in other parts of the world – that’s important. And if we can help keep that going, then great. You can’t take anything for granted in this world.”
Harry also chose to give an “In Memory” gift in Pat’s name to the Knowledge Endowment. It’s another way for him to remember how much they enjoyed exploring the world through Knowledge. As Harry so touchingly puts it, “Now, it seems, as I continue to watch Knowledge Network, Pat’s watching too.”