Space Suite II
A series of 10 short films that explore the infinite wonders of our universe and our interactions with the cosmos.
A series of 10 short films that explore the infinite wonders of our universe and our interactions with the cosmos.

A series of 10 short films that explore the infinite wonders of our universe and our interactions with the cosmos.

A near Earth-size planet orbits its star in the "Goldilocks Zone" - the distance from a star that provides the...

Mars evolves from a place that evokes fear to one that evokes wonder, and one that may become an outpost in space as...

See what the Universe would look like if you had infrared vision, radio vision, even X-ray and gamma ray vision. Music...

Celebrate the beauty of a rare lunar eclipse, and discover why the Moon turns blood red while in the Earth’s shadow...

Fly through Saturn's rings, composed of millions of pieces of ice and rock orbiting the planet like tiny satellites...

Ancient peoples saw heroes and villains, beasts real and fantastic, in the patterns of stars we now call the...

Three astronauts approach what will be their new home - the International Space Station. Music: Also sprach Zarathustra...

The Universe is a stage for the grandest ballet of all... the rhythmic movement of the heavens. Music: Dance of the...

Humans have portrayed the night sky for thousands of years, blending art and reality along the way. Music: Piano...

The Apollo astronauts were on a mission to explore the Moon, but it was looking back on our home planet that left the...