
A powerful family dynasty, illicit activies and murder intersect in this crime series set in the port city of Vigo...

In the Cold War climate of post-war Britain, Detective Chief Superintendent Christopher Foyle (Michael Kitchen) enters a...

Based on the Constable books by Nicholas Rhea, Heartbeat follows the adventures of the local police and residents of the...

Drug squad cop Oskari and and former addict Krista, who have a son together, grow increasingly entangled when she...

William Travers, a defense lawyer whose faith in the legal system has been shattered by past traumas is faced with the...

Senior Crown Prosecutor Janet King returns from maternity leave to confront a high-profile murder and conspiracy, with...

Respected solicitor, Peter Kingdom, runs a small legal practice for the eccentric people of Norfolk.

Cleaver Greene is a brilliant and charming criminal defense attorney, whose self-destructive personal life often gets in...

John Rebus investigates the streets of Edinburgh, which lead him through the city's ancient beauty and more sinister...

Inner-city Indigenous life in Australia is explored through six individual stories of families whose lives are altered...

Haunted by her past, flawed but brilliant criminal profiler Reyka untangles dark secrets and chilling mysteries in South...

Run weaves together the stories of four seemingly unconnected people facing life-changing decisions in a world where...

Two brothers unearth information that those at the highest levels of political power will try anything to keep secret...

At a backyard barbeque, a man slaps a child who is not his son. The boy's parents are so affronted by the assault that...

Sharp-witted and stubbornly determined, DCI Vera Stanhope investigates crimes amidst the rural beauty of Northumberland...

Hastings is preparing itself for the end of the war. For Foyle, this means retirement. But when a body is found in a museum, the team have one final case to solve.

When a member of staff at the local military psychiatric hospital is found dead, there are plenty of suspects. Foyle must pick through the wreckage of their wartime experiences to find the truth

When restaurateur Kurt Haijby requests a private audience with King Gustav V of Sweden in order to get a liquor license, it turns into a romantic evening.

A man is found hanging in the woods with an aerial photograph of a German village in his pocket. The new head of Hastings police believes it's a suicide, but Milner is certain it's murder.

Janet discovers who is behind the betting scandal, which places her and her father in danger. The NCC is narrowing in on the suspect who forced Clay to kill himself.