In this spin-off of the iconic Inspector Morse series, DI Robbie Lewis and his partner DS James Hathaway investigate grisly murders in the the idyllic environs of Oxford.
In this spin-off of the iconic Inspector Morse series, DI Robbie Lewis and his partner DS James Hathaway investigate grisly murders in the the idyllic environs of Oxford.
Having returned from a two-year assignment in the British Virgin Islands, Inspector Lewis and his new assistant Sergeant...
When an Oxford graduate is found dead near his run-down houseboat, detectives Lewis and Hathaway are thrown into a...
Lewis and Hathaway are called in to investigate the death of a young female student who was found murdered in a hotel...
When an Oxford housewife is found hanged at home, Lewis and Hathaway unearth a far more sinister case than the initial...
Will McEwan staggers into a church and takes his own life at the altar. What would lead a young and faithful man to such...
In the basement of Oxford's Bodleian Library, a man is found shot in the head. Lewis and Hathaway's investigation takes...
An Oxford lecturer is found strangled by a boxer's hand wrap. Lewis and Hathaway are asked to investigate what appears...
A teenage girl is found dazed in a field with no recollection of what happened to her. But forensic evidence proves that...
The day after Dorian Crane's book launch party, a young barmaid is found savagely murdered with an antique Persian...
A student production of The Merchant of Venice is brought to a halt by the death of its lead star. Lewis is called in to...