
With sculptures in major cities around the world and millions of people enjoying his exhibitions annually, Fernando...

An evocative portrait of legendary Mexican singer Chavela Vargas - a queer icon who dared to dress, speak, sing and...

In the 50 years since he carved his first totem pole and saw it raised on Haida Gwaii, Robert Davidson has come to be...

This intimate portrait explores the life of legendary dancer, director and choreographer Twyla Tharp, with a look at her...

New York in 1951 was the year when Jackson Pollock brought a new dynamism to American painting and the jazz style known as bebop hit its stride.

Rembrandt's work is often erotically charged, stemming from his reputation as the city's most notorious marital embarrassment. Further shame came to Rembrandt when he declared bankruptcy.

How did an incendiary talent, in his youth the darling of Dutch high society, end up in a lowly rented grave?