
My bequest to Knowledge Network is my way to give back – what a pleasure to think that my contribution might help to entertain, teach and inspire others after me... and as such create new knowledge. In that regard – I can pass it on.

In a way, it was Spiffy who introduced us to Viola. She’s a long-time Knowledge Partner and fan; Spiffy is her dog, a Cairn Terrier. As is the case with many of our Partners, Viola knew Knowledge Network very well, but we hadn’t had the opportunity to get to know her, and to find out what Knowledge meant to her.

One day, though, Viola called us up. She told us she had been thinking about her estate and where she wanted it to end up. A most important consideration for her was what would happen to Spiffy when she passed on – who would care for him, and where he would live. With the help of a lawyer, she got both matters settled: a place for her beloved pet, and a generous bequest to the Knowledge Endowment in her will. In a letter to Knowledge Network, Viola shares her story:

"I was born shortly after WWII, to parents that had to leave all they possessed behind to start a new life as refugees in their own country. As I grew up, there was little money for extra schooling, sports, arts or recreation. However, what my parents did have and passed on to me in abundance was love, imagination and their love of music and art.

What they taught me was to believe in myself, to have a thirst for knowledge, to be tolerant and generous. With the seeds that they planted, I shaped my life into a journey that led me to different continents, cultures and experiences. Along the way I met wonderful people that inspired me, mentored me and brought me more knowledge.

Knowledge – it begins with the very first breath that we take and only stops growing with the very last breath. Knowledge builds confidence, which in turn allows us to challenge ourselves and become who we want to be. And if we are lucky enough to find really good sources of this commodity, over time it will change us, and our lives, in the most positive ways. I believe Knowledge Network is one of those really good sources.

Some ten years ago I moved to Vancouver Island, and a small and remote village is now home. Of course, I soon discovered Knowledge Network. In the beginning, I visited the channel only sporadically, but with the passing of time I discovered more and more programmes that spoke to me, and introduced me to places, subjects and people that I would never have learned about were it not for Knowledge Network. I became a fan and a Partner.

As more time passed, I realized that I wanted to do more – do my part to ensure that Knowledge Network is here to stay, to evolve, spread its wings and allow future generations to benefit from the variety of excellent programmes and entertainment it provides. We are very fortunate to have this unique station in BC – the result of a group of individuals with foresight and passion. I am very grateful to you. You created this station, against many odds I am sure, and made it the independent voice it is today – the other choice in a television world that often seems to numb and lull the mind rather than to stimulate and sharpen it.

In addition to bringing us programmes from and about all corners of the world, you also introduce us, the people of British Columbia, to each other. You open doors and make us see and understand in ways we could not otherwise. The inclusion of programmes about the native people of this province is just one example of this.

My bequest to Knowledge Network is my way to give back – what a pleasure to think that my contribution might help to entertain, teach and inspire others after me... and as such create new knowledge. In that regard – I can pass it on." – Viola

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