
Melbourne opera singer Tiriki Onus tries to uncover the mystery surrounding the life of his grandfather, William Bill...

Filmmaker Arshad Khan explores the challenges of growing up gay in a close-knit Muslim family in Pakistan, his move to...

A new generation of Inuit, armed with social media and a sense of humour and justice, are challenging anti-sealing...

An evocative portrait of legendary Mexican singer Chavela Vargas - a queer icon who dared to dress, speak, sing and...

In eastern Quebec's remote Lower North Shore, three distinctly different cultures - French, English and Innu - have...

Dogs from all different backgrounds come together to compete in agility, and while the dogs are innocent and just want...

Master carver and land defender Joe Martin reconciles his past as a logger by revitalizing the traditional ancestral...

In the 50 years since he carved his first totem pole and saw it raised on Haida Gwaii, Robert Davidson has come to be...

Three educated, professional women in China - labelled "leftover women" because they are unmarried - try to balance...

Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond takes an entertaining and insightful look at the "Hollywood Indian", exploring the portrayal...

Sonita is a feisty, undocumented Afghan immigrant living in the poor suburbs of Tehran. She has her own dreams of being...

Mi'kmaw poet and author Rebecca Thomas sets out to reclaim the language stolen from her father at residential school...

A chef and a knowledge keeper make traditional corn soup and tell the story of why it is so culturally significant to the Indigenous people of Southern Ontario.

James Fox uses art to explore how our ancient relationship with nature changed with the advent of farming, cities and faith, and how we tried to gain control over the natural world.

Starting near Cinque Terre National Park, this journey on a vintage train takes us along the spectacular Mediterranean coastline and into the Apennine Mountains.

This extraordinary journey travels back in time through a landscape forged by the Earth's forces and several ancient civilizations.

New York in 1951 was the year when Jackson Pollock brought a new dynamism to American painting and the jazz style known as bebop hit its stride.

On an 11-hour journey through the North Island's volcanic landscapes, the Northern Explorer railway crosses historic viaducts and traverses the Raurimu Spiral, an engineering masterpiece.

For thousands of years, Indigenous activities such as resource harvesting, irrigation and controlled burning have caused significant changes to the natural environment.

The 200-mile La Ligne des Cevennes travels north from Nimes through a beautiful part of unspoilt France - rich in wildlife, famous walks and mining history.